All posts by Vid


Killisou chapur for visiting the official website for the people of Houk Rhipwraan. Located in the farthest part of the Northwest Region in Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia, Houk Rhipwraan has a population of 400 people who live on a stretch of land a little over 7 miles long with a mere 2 feet above sea level.

Thank you for visiting our website. We welcome you with the same respect and hospitality that you will find if you ever have the opportunity to visit us in person to our lovely stretch of sandy paradise.

The idea of creating a website was discussed in a meeting between Vidalino Raatior and his team of Xavier High School seniors. It was envisioned as a way to connect our community with our loved ones who have left the shores of Houk for opportunities around the world. We continue to love and remember you in our prayers.

We have so many needs now with an ever growing population. Our island is so remote that we don’t have access to many of the basic resources available to the majority of Chuukese on islands located closer to the main capital island of Weno. Therefore, we want to use this website to appeal to the world community to help us especially in improving the educational, health care, and spiritual resources for our children.

If you are one of our beloved Houkese, we long to see you again. If you are new to Houk, we invite you to come and visit us in person. Feel free to contact Vid who is one of our sons living in California. He serves as our webmaster, community contact in the U.S. and he can help you set up a visit to Houk.